Cold plasma therapy in dentistry

With plasmaONE® you can now use the advantages of cold plasma therapy in your everyday dental, oral and maxillofacial practice. Physical plasma promotes wound healing, reduces germs, is painless and safe with clinically proven effectiveness.

plasmaONE® is easy to use, delegable and effective for therapeutic applications in prophylactic, restorative and conservative dentistry and dental surgery.

Areas of application

  • RPeriodontology
  • ROral surgery
  • REndodontics
  • RInfections of the oral mucosa
  • RPain therapy


  • EPeriodontitis
  • EGingivitis
  • EStopping bleeding
  • EPeri-implantitis
  • ERoot canal treatment for pulp and periapical disease
  • EAphthae
  • EStomatitis and mycoses
  • EPain treatments


The inflammation caused by the bacterial infection subsided after the first treatment. After the second, there were no more symptoms.


After the single plasma application, the ulcer and the patient's symptoms disappeared completely.


On the second day after the treatment, the patient no longer had any pain, swallowing or speech difficulties.

Bacterial infections and pain syndromes

Cold plasma therapy in the mouth and mucous membrane area can lead to immediate improvement of the tissue.

Its antiseptic, regeneration-promoting and pain-relieving effects unfold particularly well in a moist environment.

Treatment of an ulcer with plasmaONE®

Patient (female; 58 years)

acute pain in the area of the alveolar ridge 34-37. The disinfecting effect of plasmaONE® extends deep into the root canal and to the adjacent tooth surfaces.

The shape and size of the instrument probes enable targeted treatment even in hard-to-reach areas.

Single plasma application level 5 – 2′.

Ulcer of the oral mucosaInflammation on the alveolar ridge healed
Suture after root canal resectionSuture without inflammation

Treatment of an apicoectomy wound with plasmaONE®

Patient (male, 80 years old), no known previous illnesses.

Root canal treatments can be supported by plasma therapy. The disinfecting effect of plasmaONE® extends deep into the root canal and to the adjacent tooth surfaces. The shape and size of the instrument probes enable targeted treatment of hard-to-reach areas 04.04.14: first treatment with PS 12, level 4 for 2 minutes 10.04.14: second treatment with PS 12, level 3 for 1.5 minutes First treatment directly after wound closure.


  • No administration of additional medication.
  • Before the second treatment, the patient already expressed a clear improvement and sense of well-being.
  • There was no swelling in the area of the suture.

Treatment of an aphtha with plasmaONE®

Patient: female; 39 years

Acute pain at the bottom of the mouth on the left, difficulty swallowing, speech difficulties, painful skin damage with inflammatory border, central ulcer with whitish fibrin coating (major type 3 cm²).

The patient has had a painful aphthea for 3 days. Aphthae are so painful for most patients that pain-relieving local and systemic anesthetics must be prescribed.

plasmaONE® is a pain-free therapy for localized damage, which usually leads to pain relief after the first application.


Aphthae on the floor of the mouthFreedom from pain and significant improvement

Get in touch with us!

Our expert sales team will be happy to provide you with a detailed clinical evaluation and answer any questions you may have.